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Massage onto scalp 1-2 times daily (washed and towel-dried hair)

This formula aims to promote hair growth, prevent the formation of white hair as well as prevents dandruff. 

This product works best for you if you are experiencing:

Hair loss, scalp acne.


Foliage EX essence


    Any goods lost during transit are not under our liability and is of the client's.

    We offer returns strictly only on products with defects.

    Item must remain in its original packaging, unused.

    We do our utmost best to check each and every product that gets shipped out to our clients, however if in any case there is a defect on the product, a return is honoured. 

    Period of return after purchase: 10 Days.

    If you would like to return a product, please email us at and we will be quick to reply.

    we will provide information on how to return your order only after we have received your email stating your order reference number as well as images of the product at hand. 

  • Keep product away from direct sunlight.

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